Putin advisor Chubais quits over Ukraine war,  leaves Russia

He is considered one of the prominent personalities of the Russian government who has left the country as he is unhappy with Putin.

Putin advisor Chubais quits over Ukraine war,  leaves Russia

Amid the Ukraine-Russia war which does not seem to end any soon, the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s advisor, climate envoy Anatoly Chubais has resigned from the post.

He also reportedly left Russia after putting in his papers.  Chubais has made it clear that he has taken  the decision as he is upset with President Vladimir Putin for waging war against Ukraine.

He is considered one of the prominent personalities of the Russian government who has left the country as he is unhappy with Putin.

Believed to be one of the few economic reformers of the nineties, Chubais was part of the Putin government for quite a long time. He had  maintained good relations with Western officials.

Meanwhile, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov chose not to reply to the sudden development immediately.

Known as the architect of Russia's 1990s privatizations, Chubais gave Putin his first Kremlin job in the mid-1990s and initially welcomed his rise to power at the end of that decade.

When Putin was ruling, Chubais took top jobs at big state companies until the president named him envoy for sustainable development last year.

Chubais wrote a letter to his party leaders regarding his decision of putting papers.

In his 2006 book, "Death of Empire," Gaidar warned of the temptations of imperial nostalgia for the Soviet Union he saw growing under Putin. "It's not difficult to convince society that a state that collapsed so suddenly can be just as quickly rebuilt," he wrote. "That's an illusion, a dangerous one."

But after Putin decided to invade Ukraine, he has been facing flack from various quarters including from his party leaders. Not happy with the critics questioning his decision, Putin has been making efforts to put a curb on such people in Russia. He has even warned those people stating that he wishes to cleanse Russia of the "scum and traitors". Putin accused his critics of working on the behest of America.