Monthly average rate of caccination will be maintained: Ashwath Narayan

Monthly average rate of caccination will be maintained: Ashwath Narayan

Bengaluru: Overall monthly rate of vaccination will definitely be maintained even though dips are noticed on some days, Dy Chief Minister and State Covid task force head, Dr.C.N.Ashwath Narayan, stated on Wednesday.

Responding to media regarding a query, Ashwath Narayan explained, “The state was supplied 60 lakh doses of vaccines during the month of June, and in the month of July also the minimum supply of 60 doses will be maintained. If the situation permits the central government may also supply more than this. In any case, the monthly average rate of vaccination will be maintained”.

There may be variations and a decrease in the rate of vaccination when it is seen on day to day basis. But, over a period of a month, the average rate will be maintained, Narayana told reporters.

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Saying, there exist a few challenges in preparing to face the possible 3rd wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, he added, the government is taking all measures to strengthen the infrastructure by setting up oxygen storage and oxygen generation facilities, deployment of human resources, increasing ICU capacity, Scaling up vaccines manufacturing among other things.

Ashwath Narayan was speaking to media during the inauguration of Maruthi hospital and blood donation camp organized by Maruthi Seva Trust in Sheshadipuram.