No confidence vote against Pak PM: Imran Khan refuses to resign

In Pakistan's political history no Prime Minister in Pakistan has completed full five years term at the office. 

No confidence vote against Pak PM: Imran Khan refuses to resign

Islamabad: Facing a no-confidence vote in the Parliament, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan stated that he will not step down from the PM post.

Pakistan Parliament has taken up the no-confidence motion proceedings against him. He is facing the toughest political challenge from his opponents. Opposition parties have claimed that Khan has lost the majority in the House after defections from the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-led government.

Opposition parties have demanded the resignation of Mr. Khan, but he refused to step down.

"I will not resign come what may," he said in a statement from his office issued on Wednesday night.

Imran Khan further added that he would not surrender without a fight and questioned why should he quit under pressure from "crooks".

The National Assembly secretariat on Thursday night issued a 15-point agenda of Friday's session, which also included the no-confidence motion.

Pakistan Prime Minister is facing accusations of mismanagement of the economy, with inflation soaring to double digits and steep price rise, led to widespread dissatisfaction which has now snowballed into a political threat.

Around 20 of Imran Khan's party members have defected alleging failure to manage inflation and are expected to vote against him. Mr Khan has filed a court petition seeking a lifetime ban on the defectors while also appealing to them to return to the ruling party.

The Pakistani National Assembly has a total strength of 342 members, with the majority mark being 172. The PTI led coalition was formed with the support of 179 members, with Imran Khan's PTI having 155 members.

Three major allies in the coalition government have indicated that they will also join the opposition in the no-confidence motion. The opposition together commands 163 seats and could easily topple the government if PTI defectors and the ruling government's coalition allies join the vote against Imran Khan.

In Pakistan's political history no Prime Minister in Pakistan has completed full five years term at the office.