In todays day and age CIBIL is the most important tool for raising money perosnally and professionally. However misues of filing application for personal loan, home loan, Credit Card etc etc is rampant nowadays. Agents call to fullfill their requirements and targets and gave half information to customers about the eligibility criteria for getting the loan sactions. they will call many times to convince the clients how they should avail the services of loans,
They will collect Pan. Aadhar and not mention the entire eligibility criteria for getting the loan sactioned as they just want to fulfill the daily targets and limits. Once the loan is processed the customer discovers that the entire eligiblity criteria is not met and therefore loan application gets rejected hitiing the cibil badly.
Recently one RM from Yes bank called a potential customer and offered the yes bank credit card saying she is eligibile for credit card based on existing track record . After few hours she calls back the potential client saying that cibil should be 750 - something she never mentioned upfront causing the application to get rejected. On being questioned why she has not informed earlier - she says that the client should ask too???
However the customer is made to beileve that based on existing track record the card will get issued. These things create a lot of nuisance for customers and affect their cibil which they build through a lot of hard work and effort.
Currently even CIBIL is slow to respond to wrong queries being rasied from banks and DSA agents as customers have a right to get their incorrect queries removed from cibil.
24x7liveindia will continue to write about lapses in systems and rougue DSA agents that are causing a havoc to good customers CIBIL by either misusing cibil or giving wrong information