Private offices in Delhi shall be closed, WFH allowed: DDMA

Also, all restaurants and bars shall be closed and takeaways allowed, as per the guidelines. 

Private offices in Delhi shall be closed, WFH allowed: DDMA

New Delhi: Amid a surge in COVID cases, all private offices in Delhi shall be closed, except those which are falling under the exempted category, but work from home shall be followed according to revised guidelines issued by Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA). 

Also, all restaurants and bars shall be closed and takeaways allowed, as per the guidelines. 


With a total of 70 deaths reported in Delhi since the last week of December 2021, all hospitals are directed to issue necessary directions to ensure timely management of hospital admissions, satisfactory levels of patient care and analysis of COVID deaths, according to news agency ANI.

Across India, 1,68,063 new COVID-19 cases have been reported in the last 24 hours. Cases are down by 11,660 and the positivity rate has dipped from 13 per cent to around 10 per cent.