PM Modi pays tribute to 18th century woman-soldier Onake Obavva

November 11th is being celebrated as 'Onake Obavva Jayanthi', the woman-warrior who had fought against the forces of Hyder Ali in Chitradurga in the 18th century.  Her husband was a guard of a watchtower in the rocky fort of Chitradurga ruled by Madakari Nayaka. 

PM Modi pays tribute to 18th century woman-soldier Onake Obavva

New Delhi: November 11th is being celebrated as 'Onake Obavva Jayanthi', the woman-warrior who had fought against the forces of Hyder Ali in Chitradurga in the 18th century.  Her husband was a guard of a watchtower in the rocky fort of Chitradurga ruled by Madakari Nayaka. 

Karnataka government has ordered a commemoration of ‘Onake Obavva Jayanti’ on the 11th of November from this year. The Kannada and Culture Department had proposed celebrating the birth anniversary of Onake Obavva, a woman-soldier who had fought against the forces of Hyder Ali in Chitradurga in the 18th century. A state-sponsored event remembering the valour of Obavva will be observed, said the circular.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi bowed to the great Kannada warrior woman, Onake Obavva on the special occasion of her Jayanti. Shri Modi said that Onake Obavva ‘inspires us as a symbol of our Nari Shakti.’

The Prime Minister tweeted: “I bow to the courageous Onake Obavva on the special occasion of her Jayanti. No one can ever forget the courage with which she fought hard to protect her people and culture. She inspires us as a symbol of our Nari Shakti.”